The scopes of learning and staying connected have increased at a drastic rate in recent years. The internet has provided a common platform where you can share your experiences and learn about the experiences about others around the globe.
It provides a powerful platform to learn, earn and do a lot of other things. It won’t be wrong to say that it has become the primary need of today’s life, especially with declining prices of the best unlimited high speed internet plans.
However, there is a void side to everything, and the internet is no exception. Its void side is called cyberbullying. It’s somewhat rare, and there are rules to protect you against it but it, and you may come across it sooner or later.
Here are things that will help you to understand better cyberbullying:
What is cyberbullying?
When an internet user uses the power of the internet to harm you, invade your privacy or mentally harsh you, it is called cyberbullying. The activities like posting a private picture, sharing an insulting video, sharing negative posts, posting mean content about you, or sharing any other undesired information on the internet.
The primary hubs where such a thing can happen are social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, or emails. SMS and instant messaging application are also an ideal spot for cyberbullying.
The Concerns Related To the Cyber Bullying
The losses of cyberbullying involve the loss of public reputation, mental stress, disturbed social life and a lot more. It creates a public record which has a very considerable effect on your public status. The shared content may become a reference for your image at the school, office or many other places. Moreover, it does not only affect you but also affect the one who shared the content.
The best unlimited high speed internet plans that your internet provider offers, which was meant to keep you connected to the world, become a source of misery for you. You get notification messages and a lot of disturbing content from it that make the situation more critical.
Laws and Sanctions
Your cyber life can have a drastic effect on your real life. A negative comment or private picture on your internet can have an impact on your college admission, employment, and many other fields. According to studies in 2016, about 34% of students became victims of, and a majority of them were girls.
Therefore, many states came up with rules to prevent cyberbullying issues. Like in California cyberbullying can lead to a fine of up to $1000 or jail. In Missouri, the school employees have to report the incident, and the culprit will be punished according to the crime and age. They are charged with harassment of class A, which turn to class D if the victim’s age is below 17 years or the defendant has a prior.
Factors of Cyber Bullying
The teenager brains are strange and complicated, so it’s hard to tell a specific reason for cyberbullying. They may do it to feel powerful, call out attention, control other and for many other things. The common cause for cyberbullying so far are:
- The teenager has the best unlimited high speed internet plan but no one to talk. So he/she gets bored and need someone’s attention.
- Some bullies do it to impress their peers and maintain social status
- To enjoy the feeling of being invincible by committing something without being caught
- To take revenge from someone who has wronged them at some point of life
- In rare cases, teenager do it just for fun, without understanding its effects or risks
The Final Words
The cyber world is an essential source of information and learning. So don’t let the cyber bullies stop you from accessing it. Block the one person who bothers you, turn on the privacy setting, report the cyberbully incidents and most of all take to an adult about the problem.
Moreover, understand its risk and never try to bully anyone on the internet. For more blog posts like this from Wun Wun, click here.