Did you know that there are around 33,600 fish breeds in the world?
Some are found in the ocean, others live in rivers and others end up keeping us humans company.
Perfect for people who want a low-maintenance pet or are allergic to the typical dog or cat, fish can indeed make for great little buddies. Plus, an aquarium is a great addition to any house decor.
If you’re thinking about getting some fish, it’s crucial that you pick the right mix of breeds. Keep reading and learn how to do so!
4 Good Combinations of Fish Breeds for Your Aquarium
The main thing to remember when choosing your fish is to go for breeds that have similar dietary needs, movement paces, and water temperature and pH level requirements. Not only is this halfway to keeping them happy, but it also makes it a lot easier for you to take care of your pets.
A few breeds that tend to live peacefully together are:
- Goldfish and White Cloud Minnow
Both of these are coldwater fish so it’ll be easy for you to set a tank temperature that works for both (which would be somewhere between 62 and 74 degrees Fahrenheit). Plus, goldfish are some of the most laid-back species out there, so that makes it easier to find them some tank mates!
- African Cichlids and Pleco
African cichlids are quite an aggressive breed, so pairing them with laid-back fish is definitely not a good idea. Instead, you should try and choose bottom dwellers that live at the bottom of the tank and won’t fight for the African Cichlids’ space.
- Catfish and Filefish
Filefish are a shy, peaceful breed and they tend to make a great companion for any community breeds, such as catfish, loaches or gouramis. The main rule of thumb when pairing filefish with other fish is to avoid big, aggressive breeds.
- Guppies and Angelfish
Guppies are quite a chill group and they get along with pretty much any community breed. Do avoid to pair them with bigger fish, as they might end up eating the guppies.
3 Tips to Remember When Choosing Your Fish
Besides being aware of which breeds go with each, it’s important that you know the conditions you should provide in the aquarium for your pets to live a healthy and happy life.
So, remember:
- Not to overcrowd the aquarium: each fish should have enough space to move around.
- To have four or five of each breed: most fish are happiest when they live with others of the same kind.
- Not to have female and male fish of the same breed: you don’t want them to reproduce and overpopulate the tank.
Give Your Swimming Friends a Pleasant Home to Live in!
Fish aren’t the most interactive of pets, but they still make for great little companions and should be treated as such. So, always take their wellbeing when picking new fish breeds to add to your aquarium.
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