While there are a lot of things that could ruin an exciting vacation, one thing that you might not be thinking about as a possibility is pests. However, depending on where you’re traveling to, pests might be a huge problem in that area. And if this is the case, there’s a good chance that pests could be one of the things that could throw a wrench in your perfect plans.
To help keep this from happening to you, here are three things to do if you’re traveling to a destination with pest problems.
Check In Your With Hotel Or Lodging
While having to deal with pests when you’re out and about is almost to be expected, what you don’t want is to have to constantly be dealing with pests when you’re trying to relax in your hotel room.
To reduce the chances of this happening, you should check in with your hotel or wherever you’ll be lodging before you get there. Ask them about their protocol for pest control and if there are any big issues they’re currently dealing with, like bed bugs. You can also ask if they have things like screens on their windows or if they are located near a body of water, which can increase the presence of pests in the area. Depending on the answers to these questions, you might want to book your stay somewhere else.
Get Some Bug Spray
Another thing you can do to help keep pests or bugs away from you while you’re traveling around or spending time outside is to get some bug spray to use on your trip.
With bug spray, you can use it on your body as well as on your belongings to help keep bugs or other pests from getting too close to you. And if you’re going to be spending a lot of time in a place where you anticipate bugs being an issue, make sure you always keep your bug spray on you so that you can reapply it as needed.
Embrace The Breeze
If you’re dealing with primarily flying pests in the place you’re visiting, one thing you can do to keep these bugs away is to embrace the breeze.
Most flying bugs have a hard time flying around when there is a breeze. Knowing this, you can bring a fan with you or have a fan placed near you wherever you’re staying or eating. This way, bugs physically won’t be able to fly or land near you, as they aren’t strong enough to maneuver themselves around in these types of conditions.
If you’re concerned about the bugs that are likely to be in the area that you’ll be visiting for vacation, consider using the tips mentioned above to keep them from bugging you.