Imagine being able to get paid for traveling and going on vacations. It might sound a little far fetched but nowadays it’s more than possible to accomplish. Many people are learning that they can get paid to travel by thinking out of the box a little.
Lots of travelers today have learned how to travel for free by using skills that they may have already had or learned throughout life. You can also score some free trips if you’re a creative who is willing to use your talents to travel for free. Keep reading to check out 8 ways that you can score free vacations and fund your travel adventures.
1. Travel Blogging
Blogging has become a common side hustle, and even main income, for a lot of people. There are many ways you can make money from blogging and building a large following. One of the first things to consider is choosing a niche for your blog and then partnering with companies who are in alignment with your content and brand.
In this case, you could probably go with travel as your niche and put out great content to build an audience. Once you’ve done this, you can send out pitches to hotels and other locations to exchange free vacations for exposure on your blog. You could also barter your writing services if they are looking to grow their following.
2. Location Photography
We live in a very digital world that is visually driven. Most of the time people are intrigued by beautiful landscapes and luxurious poolside scenery. And this is where you come in at.
If you have a good camera (sometimes a great smartphone camera will do the job), an artistic eye and good editing skills, you could get some free vacations by doing photography work for various locations. You will have a place to stay while helping them promote and build social proof. Everyone wins!
3. Teach English
If you are a native English speaker, you’re already eligible for many opportunities for some free vacations. A lot of places are looking for people to teach English in their schools and tutoring on the side.
Consider checking out some places that would provide you with free housing or other amenities in exchange for teaching the language you already speak. It doesn’t get any easier than that!
4. Work on a Farm
A lot of places overseas rely heavily on farming and being hands on with their natural resources for survival. You could use this opportunity to not only get free vacations but to learn the way of the locals as well. This is also a great way to meet others on your trip.
Help out on a farm in exchange for meals, housing, etc. Most work days for volunteers are just a few hours then you have the rest of your time for exploring. It might take a little extra effort but it could have a big payoff.
5. Be a House Sitter
Housesitting is also not a new concept but has become much trendy in the traveling world. This is a awesome and fun way for you to rack up some free vacations. Lots of people- who are also traveling or sometimes working a lot- are looking for someone to help take good care of their pets, plants, etc. while they are gone.
If you’re an animal lover or have a green thumb, consider doing some house sitting. You get to stay in a home for free and sometimes they may even pay you compensation depending on how many demands you need to fulfill around the home. There are a lot of websites that help homeowners and travelers find trusted matches.
6. Au Pair
Just like people are looking for help with their pets while they’re away, they are also looking for assistance with their children as well. Being an Au Pair usually comes with free room and board, meals and sometimes pay. You basically aid busy families with their children and chores.
This is a perfect way for you to get paid to travel if you are great with the kiddies. It’s also another good way of learning and experiencing different countries with inside help from people who live there.
7. Become a Freelancer
Writing and photography aren’t the only thing businesses are looking for help with. If you have any other talents then you should use them to your advantage. And, again, you may need to think out of the box!
For instance, if you are great with building websites or social media followings, consider approaching a hotel with this offer. You could also do travel fitness classes for pay if you have experience in this field. You can luck up on some cool free vacations if you keep your eyes peeled for people and places who have needs that aren’t being met.
8. Do Volunteer Work
Lending a helping hand could potentially get you some great free trips and assist you with traveling around the world affordably. There are lots of things you could volunteer to do and it could be as simple as cleaning up restaurants after hours or helping wash linens at a hostel.
You could also check out nearby non-profits that might help with connecting you to legit opportunities to help out and earn some extra cash. Don’t be too proud to extend your services if it means you could be saving a ton of money on travel. Most small chores could go a long way.
9. Win Some Extra Cash
This might not seem like the most practical way but you’d be surprised how many people are able to come across “free cash” on a daily basis. Consider taking a few leaps of faith and try your hand at winning the lottery or signing up for giveaways and sweepstakes.
There are also legitimate websites that you can do surveys and win things like money, trips, cars, etc. Check out this website for a legit way to play your hand at some extra money for your trip.
Looking for More Tips on Free Vacations and Travel?
The best way to put yourself in position to earn free vacations during your travel is to plan ahead. Give yourself enough time to research different opportunities and figure out what methods work the best for you. Get creative with ways to make money and find free accommodations.
You should also consider getting some advice from travelers who have been in your shoes. Check out this blog if you are looking for more tips and guidance for your future journeys from an experienced traveler.