If you’re like most Americans, you crave adventure. One way to get out and experience life is to travel abroad, and it seems like people are discovering that this is the case more and more often. In fact, US citizens are traveling abroad more now than ever before, with $139 billion spent on overseas tourism!
There are so many places to explore that it can be a challenge to choose the perfect destination for your perfect trip. One of the places you may not immediately consider is Perth, Australia, but it should be at the top of your list. From beaches to culture to historic sites, you’ll get to experience it all if you choose to go to Perth.
You might be wondering what to do in Perth Australia to make your trip worthwhile. The answer is that there’s a lot that you can choose from, and that any trip to Perth is more than worthwhile!
Read on for eight reasons that you should start planning your next vacation to Perth today.
1. Kind People
The people in any area have the ability to make or break your trip. When people are rude and frustrating, you may get annoyed and not want to fully immerse yourself in the culture and experiences of the nation you’re in. When people are kind and helpful, you can talk to them about their ways of life, beliefs, and cool things that they enjoy doing in the area.
In Perth, you’re going to encounter a lot of people in the latter category. Australians are known for being an overall friendly group of people who will be more than happy to share their culture and ideas with you.
2. Lively Culture
It’s even more amazing that people are going to share their culture with you when said culture is so lively. Australians are widely known for believing in fairness and equality as well as for making amazing food. There are also a lot of parties and pubs that you can go to, if you’re into that scene.
Australia is also an incredibly diverse country, and this is showcased in a big city like Perth. You’ll be able to talk to an amazingly wide range of people and hear so many stories from so many walks of life. Plus, since most people in Perth speak English, you’ll have an easy time making a friend or two to show you the best parts of their community!
3. Sandy Beaches
One of the greatest features that Perth is known for is its sandy beaches. Of course, there’s the famous Scarborough Beach, a popular destination for tourists because of its size. It’s its own little world, boasting hotels, cafes, museums, pubs, and shops.
There are lesser-known beaches, too, hidden gems that you’ll want to head to for some time away from other tourists. Smaller beaches may not be best for surfing and people watching, but they definitely are the perfect spot for laying in the sand and watching a beautiful sunset with your significant other.
Oh, and a side note: there are some nude beaches in Perth, too, such as some parts of Swanbourne beach. Just so you know, in case you’re into that. Or in case you aren’t and want to go somewhere else.
4. Rich History
After hearing about the beaches, you might be thinking, big deal! I can go to beaches anywhere. Well, setting aside the fact that Perth’s beaches are objectively the best ones, there’s also a lot of rich history in Perth that you can’t get anywhere else. That’s sure to draw you in!
The British founded Perth in 1829 because they were worried that the French would try to form a colony there. They didn’t want that to happen, and so they sent Captain James Sterling to colonize it instead. After the major military conflict that pretty much always goes with colonization, Perth began to grow into a great city in the later 19th century.
There are monuments and museums dedicated to the history that grew out of this colony. From prominent buildings to prisons that held English criminals in the 1800s to areas where the Australian gold rush happened in the early 1900s, there’s so much to learn.
5. Amazing National Parks
Like we just talked about, Perth is a place with an amazing history. It’s only natural, then, that there are national parks that encapsulate the glory of years past and the city’s development.
There are a lot of monuments that pay tribute to the natural world in Perth. From John Forrest national park and its beautiful waterfalls and mountains to the interestingly shaped rocks at Nambung, you’re sure to find something that leaves you breathless.
Check out these team day ideas for great places to go. Read on for a couple of our specific recommendations!
6. Rottnest Island
Rottnest Island is technically a beach, but it’s so much more than that. It’s offshore, meaning that you’re going to need to take a short journey on a ferry to get there, but it has beautiful plants and well-worn rocks on soft sand.
That isn’t the main appeal, though. The best thing about Rottnest Island is that it’s a sanctuary for marine life, so lots of animals live there and can be seen in their natural habitat. Turtles and exotic fish have free reign!
7. Pink Lake
Though it isn’t technically inside Perth, Pink Lake is an amazing natural wonder that’s right by the city. You should travel to Perth just to be nearby. The water is bubblegum pink, giving it its name!
A phenomenon that needs to be seen to be believed in, Pink Lake is something that you just can’t miss out on.
8. Excellent Weather
There really isn’t much to say about to weather in Perth except that it’s always perfect. That’s too important not to note. When you’re at the resort or walking around the city, there’s going to be no need to duck into a store that you don’t really want to be trapped inside. In Perth, you’ll enjoy a trip without interruptions!
Asking What to Do in Perth Australia?
There are so many reasons to go to Perth that it’s impossible to cover them all in one blog post. The fact that you’ll be able to go to some of the best national parks, meet amazing people, and experience beach life is a good place to start.
Now that you’ve answered the question of what to do in Perth Australia, check out the ‘Australia’ tab on our page to learn about more places to visit while you’re on this beautiful continent! There’s so much out there just waiting to be explored, and you’re going to want to check out all the information out there so you don’t miss anything.
Have a fantastic trip!