Do you suffer from aviophobia? It’s a fancy way of saying you’re afraid of flying. Between 2.5 and 6.5 percent of the population has it, making it one of the more common phobias.
But travel, in general, is stressful regardless of how you feel about planes. For some people, traveling with CBD oil can help relieve tension.
But can you fly with CBD oil? You may fear that TSA agents will confiscate your oil when you go through security.
Read on for five key tips that will help you travel with CBD oil.
1. Check the Labels
If you’re new to CBD oil, you may not know that it has little to no THC. THC is the product in marijuana that gets you high. CBD oil calms you down without creating that stoned sensation.
CBD comes from hemp. It’s still a type of cannabis plant. It’s not the same type of cannabis college students use when they want to get high in a dorm room.
You should be in the legal clear if your CBD contains less than 0.3 percent THC. Check the label to find out the concentration level in your oil.
2. Research TSA Regulations
The TSA’s position can be a little confusing. Their website states that medical marijuana is not allowed. It also warns against “possession of marijuana and cannabis-infused products,” including CBD oil.
But hemp-based products aren’t usually considered cannabis-infused. In the end, your ability to get hemp oil through TSA may depend on the particular agent who screens you.
3. Be Cooperative
Can you take CBD oil on a plane? You can unless someone stops you. But if a TSA agent questions your hemp-derived CBD oil, you should remain polite.
Show them the label. Point out that there’s less than 0.3 percent THC. But if they still ask you to get rid of it, don’t argue.
TSA agents can also call in local police if they think you’re trying to get an illegal substance through security. But authorities aren’t likely to care about that if you’re at an airport in a state like Colorado or Washington.
If you get caught with CBD oil in a state like Idaho, you might get in trouble. Or you might get told to throw away the substance and move along.
Only you can decide how much risk is acceptable to you on a personal level.
4. Be Subtle
Some types of CBD oil are more subtle than others.
For instance, a tincture is easy to drop into your drink once you get on the plane. It’s also natural and comes with no side effects.
These reasons might motivate you to research tinctures. If not, there’s always oils, balms, and even capsules.
5. Avoid International Travel
If you can take CBD oil on a flight to California, then you can also take it on a flight to Europe or Asia, right? Not exactly.
Frequent flyers know that traveling with CBD oil internationally is too much of a risk. International flights have stricter security requirements. Besides that, bringing CBD oil to the wrong international airport could get you expelled from the country and forced to return home early.
Traveling with CBD Oil
CBD oil occupies a weird legal ground right now. In many cases, traveling with CBD oil is fine domestically. But if the idea of doing so stresses you out too much, leave the substance at home.
If you’re thinking of bringing a vape pen instead, be careful. Vape pens present their own set of safety issues. Check out our post on that topic to find out more.