During early recovery, staying sober means making huge changes.
You’re saying goodbye to old habits and places you used to frequent. And that means a whole new routine and lifestyle.
It’s also a time when you develop a new schedule – one that doesn’t involve hanging around your drinking pals or your supplier. That could mean finding new friends. Or spending more time in AA meetings or your chosen support group.
Once you have a structured schedule, the whole thing becomes a bit easier. As long as you stick to your daily recovery checklist, you’re good.
But what if you need to travel, especially to a place that’s far from your support system? How can you remain sober when there are distractions to your daily regimen?
Here are 5 tips that will help you stay clean while traveling.
1. Plan Ahead
A sober vacation is possible if you plan ahead. And even if you’re traveling for work, as long as you schedule support group meetings in the place you’re heading to, you can stay clean.
The earlier you can go to a support group meeting, the better. This will help set the tone for the rest of your trip. If you can’t go to a meeting because your schedule is full, at least make the time to call your sponsor or anyone in your support network.
2. Stay Away from Local Bars
Or other places where you know there will be plenty of booze or drugs. Sober travel is hard enough as it is. Don’t make this trip an opportunity to test your willpower.
If you’re an alcoholic and you’ve stopped drinking before your trip, it doesn’t mean you’ve quit the habit for good. It’s even worse if you haven’t had a drink for a full day or two.
You can click here for more to know what I’m talking about.
Instead of bars, visit other local attractions. Join a group tour or any activity that make you feel too isolated.
3. Listen to Your Body
Self-care is important while traveling. Make sure you don’t do anything rash because you’re hungry, tired, angry, or stressed.
For longer trips, pack some snacks. Take a few minutes to meditate. Or if you have an hour to yourself, write in your journal or exercise.
Anything you can do to stay centered while traveling will go a long way to help you stick to your recovery goals.
4. Bring Your Recovery Tools
For some recovering addicts and alcoholics, that means books or recordings. For others, it may be a picture of a loved one or a sobriety chip.
These are tangible objects that remind you why you wanted to get sober in the first place. Keeping them near you will help strengthen your resolve so you don’t fall into temptation while in an unfamiliar place.
5. Make Happy Memories
Sober vacations don’t have to be sad affairs. You should see them as a chance to make new memories.
If you’re traveling by yourself, this is the time to treat yourself. But instead of indulging in booze or drugs, use the money for something else like a massage or a ticket for a show you’ve been planning to see.
There are many fun activities you can do without drugs or alcohol. Stay strong and believe in yourself. You got this!
Need More Tips for Staying Sober While Traveling?
If you follow these five tips, staying sober while traveling will be easier. But if you need more advice, you can find many resources online to help you stay on track.
For more travel tips, keep browsing the blog. Or e-mail me at john@wunwun.com for all your travel-related questions.